Simple and Sustainable Self-Care Programme
Introduction: This ten-hour course is equivalent to QQI Level 5. It is a self-development programme focusing on stress management. As habits take time and repetition to form, this programme is spread over 10 weeks (1 hour class x 10 weeks).
The goal is that participants can create their own self-care toolbox throughout the programme and can continue the practices that suit them when the course is complete.
10 Weeks
10 Hours
Online Course
Via Zoom

The Artist’s Way
Online and ‘in-person’ workshops based on The Artist’s Way 12-Step Programme (inspired by the work of Julia Cameron)

Aromatherapy for Home Use

Yoga Principles
Living Yoga Principles-Walking the Walk

Creative Writing
Creative Writing using mindfulness techniques

Meditation for beginners

Yoga Classes for beginners and improvers